These were produced during my time at Firecrest Clinical. They are one of the top e-learning companies around, producing training courses for the clinical trials of pharmaceutical industry giants. Clients included Astra-Zeneca, Sanofi-Avensis, Glaxo-Smith Klein and Bristol-Myers Squib. I ended up becoming a lead illustrator there which meant I had a fair hand in driving the look of the end product. I still love to create some of my graphics in Flash/Adobe Animate. Below is a small sample of the kind of graphics and animations I've created. I always found Flash drawing easier/quicker than using Illustrator. Plus, you could animate these. Hit the images to view larger images.
During my time in Viva-Aspire, a Birmingham city based design and marketing company, I worked on a number of Flash projects. One of their biggest clients is the travel group Amadeus. They asked us to produce a short game for their own customers in the travel agency sectors. I was responsible for developing all graphics and animation and overall look of the game while the coding was handled by an external developer.

In my role as Multimedia Designer, I take lead responsibility for all aspects of illustration and graphical asset creation, motion graphics, and video production within the Digital Learning team. In order to deliver effectively against every brief, I work closely with the lead Instructional Designer to develop creative concepts and animation storyboards to meet project and learning objectives. I can work across a number of styles to suit the content or match previously defined guidelines. I have also helped to develop marketing materials for other aspects of the business, including branded digital comms and presentations. Below is a small selection, showing some concept and finished icons
Brainship was an application I was asked to work on for the iPad. Aimed toward children between ages 5-14 to help improve their math skills. After a few weeks work though, things fell through and the project never went ahead. I did quite a bit of work developing the project, including a logo, character work and how some of the screens would have looked. Alas, I was disappointed when the developer I was working with dropped off the face of the Earth, never to be heard from again. I would like the chance to work on similar projects in the future. Click for larger images.
On occasion, I get the opportunities to work on branding and identity projects. This definitely engages the designer side of my brain, working my way to finding the right solution for the client.
These are a few personal pieces. I plan on re-purposing some of them to add motion using After Effects to bring some life to them.