THE CHALLENGE: Roger Casement is considered the ‘father of twentieth century human rights investigations’. His 1904 Casement Report exposed the atrocities committed in King Leopold II’s private fiefdom, the Belgian Congo. The barbarity of Leopold’s mercenary army, led to the deaths of an upward estimation of 10 million people and must rank among the darkest examples of man's inhumanity to his fellow man. This is a history that most people are unaware of.

THE SOLUTION: Illustration and motion are valuable tool for education. This applies especially when trying to engage younger audiences about topics that are difficult to hear. Knowing some history can help us become more critical in our thinking about the narratives we absorb or are fed in our daily lives, and to whom those narratives are there to serve.

MY ROLE: I’m responsible for most everything in this. Illustration / Storyboard / Direction / Motion. The script came from my pal Máire, and my buddy Clara did an excellent job on the voiceover. She's captured the tone nicely.